7 Fast Facts about Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is believed to have originated in the Loire Valley in France where it produces such wines as Sancerre and Pouilly-Fum?. The original Semillon Sauvignon Blanc blends came from the Bordeaux region.

Sauvignon Blanc is the mother of Cabernet Sauvignon. The father was Cabernet Franc.

Sauvignon?s Blanc was one of the first varieties to be described in terms of one of its dominant flavour compounds, methoxypyrazines. This compound is responsible for the Sauvignon Blanc?s herbaceous nature, including characters like asparagus, cut grass, capsicum, dried herbs and gooseberries. Drop this name in front of your friends and blow their minds!

Until recently most Sauvignon Blanc was made in a clean, fresh style in stainless steel tanks. Looking for more depth, complexity and a point of difference some producers are now starting to use oak influence with their wines.

Production of Sauvignon Blanc in Australia has increased more that 40 fold in the last 25 years. Plantings are still increasing by around 20% per year, almost 5 times the average increase in white variety plantings.

More New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, led by the wines from the Marlborough region, is imported into Australia than any other wine style. More than one third of all wines produced in New Zealand is Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc.

Sauvignon Blanc was first planted in New Zealand?s Marlborough region in the mid-1970?s. In the early 1970?s New Zealand giant Montana purchased 2000 acres of sheep farming land in Marlborough for $200(NZ) an acre. Now one acre of producing Sauvignon Blanc vines in Marlborough is worth up to $85,000(NZ).